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FS2004-SSTSIM Concorde full package with crack
Games > PC
275.77 MB

+0 / -4 (-4)

Dec 5, 2006

Enjoy !!!


Thanks alot.
If you got this one actually working right there will be a whole bunch of people wanting to buy a large round of drinks for you.
Thanks for this upload.
Hey man, we need a full seed to download. Nothing showing up on the torrent utility.
Thanks zkalos
Hope it works
I will be seeding every afternoon in GMT.
This beauty working for Me a long time!
The "lic" file put the main Windows directory.
The other "lic" file put to the directory [C:\Flight One Software], where is the main installer.
After all move all other files to the respective directory, as You find in this zip, overwrite them.
Thats it! I hope it working.
Samebody planning to make a new Flight1 Cracker [F1 Loader] to the new Fligh1 Softwares like "PMDG747 FS2CREW"
You, my friend, are a hero

Yeah, Gr8 One.. thx alot...

yeah, I've been looking to get FS2Crew PMDG 747.. weird no one has been able to get it working cracked...

Does anybody have the PSS 757 Load editor?
@ Zkalos, thx my friend..but what sort of crack is it? is it a loader or is it gauge file(There have been out a gauge file-crack somewhere here, but that doesn't even work to 50%)?

@ monstert; the loadeditor is in the aircraft, it is in that box where you choose to open etc the overhead...
Contents: 2 gauge to "Gauges/Sstsim",1 dll to "Modules" ,3 configuration exe to your "Desktop", 1 licence file to the "Windows root" and where the installer exe is"C:/Flight One Software",1 istaller exe to "C:/Flight One Software". Bonus Civa installer.
is it the new version or the older one??
Newest, I think
a very nice add-on ......... enjoying it flying around US and Europe.................

REQ: Ultimate Terrain USA
Do a search for ITVV, and you can see how the real one operated. 2 DVDs in NTSC Format.

Stop 72.7 % Stop......
All..... :)
zkalos! You have to let your partners cum too!
thx again..

Ultimate Terrian USA is here on TPB

download it and run the exe file..

REQ. FS2Crew PMDG 747
REQ. Angle of Attack 767
... and the next STOP at 81.71 % with 24.84 MB DL for today ... plz can you seed the file longer than 5 Min per Day ... no one finished yet

THX a lot
Please keep seed it for like 10 minutes..then im done.

Ik wil concorde vliegeeeeeeeeeee!!!
9mb to go... and OUT..

lol... just a little bit more..

thx again..
Thanks a slut, zkalos! Good man! Say, has anybody tested it yet? About to blast my legacy into my shorts here...
This looks like the version that didn't work :-(. Atleast if I should trust the 'Load Manager', it closes when I press 'Full Load'. Though, I did not test the plane yet.
How do you install this thing?
This bitch won't put out. The installer aborts.
@ niblem, make a folder in your harddrive (C:) that is called Flight One Software .. now it should look like this: "C:\Flight One Software". put the .lic file from the extracted Flight One Software folder in the "C:\Flight One Software" folder.

@ Panodilo, I guess it is that .lic problem/error? If so, just do as I told niblem to do..
Aha. Creating a folder called Flight One Software didn't help. Lic has to be dropped straight into Windows folder. Then the installer starts. Now I will have a noodle soup. You know the quicky ones? They make my stools so hard it's like trying to shit out a forty inch black rubber cock.
a big thank you for this , works fine apart from that the textue instaler , load manager and fleet manager don't work , but no big problem , fuel manager does work ,
As too the problems some guys are haveing i instaled ecactlly ashe says above , but !!! i have other flight 1 products already installed . ( from p/b and useing a loader , try that to see

download onother flight 1 product , use a loader ( it creates a file ) and put the sstsim lic in that ,
good luck
@ shager/All... The Autothrottle doesn't either work, neither does the AP, or well it works, but it doesn't etc follow the MAX CLB right.

I WILL SEED TILL I DIE! (or at least for 2 months :))
Works peachy keen.

Put the loadmanager fuel planner and txture exes into the sstsim folder in your fs9 folder. Presto magnifico.
who have it working.. fully working..

this problem is not new and that it at least works is old thing.. we need to get the loader to work to plan for the flight and the AP and the Concorde system to work ot fly correctly.. we won't be doing visuals..tho...this was the 3rd attempt..and nothing new..

thx anyway..

REQ. please, please.. teh FS2Crew PMDG 747.. at least teh installer... not the wrapper..

hope someone can get the SSTSIM to work.. cann't wildman crack it the hell out.. both..
it is working without problems ... thx

first get all folders to where they belong and the lic to windows ... than the installer works ... after the install is finished do again the folder operations and copy all over again ... after that the loader and all other things are working ... now you can fire up your FS and go flying !!!

btw: dont forget to look that the path to fs is in your registry ...

vincent@vega are you SURE that the Autothrottle work? I didn't get it to work.
before I even got into teh cockpit the Loader didn't work.. I caNN'T set my loads..and my fel

does the Tank11 thing work?
uhh everything works fine except I can't load the fuel correctly because the load manager exits when I do anything to change it

can ANYONE help?
BTW, I installed everything as I should, so don't go on about how I need to put stuff into the right directory

lic in Flight One Software and windows
modules\SSTSIM in modules
gauges in gauges..
all the utilities into the SSTSIM folder
Great Download, But only 1 problem am having cant seem to get any gauges in the 2d panel and Vc.

i have put the folder gauges into Fs9 Folder but still not working.... can any one help....

o yeah i will seed this for a long time....

great Download Zkalos.......:)
REQ.: PSS Concorde with last patch (concorde_update_11.exe) or only the cracked patch.PLEEEEEES!!! The orig patch not working only with the legal cd in drive!
Please! help me ! how to turn the AT on??? It doesnt want to work...
To Install license...
1. open
2. open "crack" folder
3. open "windows" folder
4. drop-and-drag "sstv10.lic" into your main "windows" folder C:\windows
5. that's it...hope this helps!
Please SEED I have seeded for days at 86% and if someone can give me the rest I ll seed it for the next week straight
Please seed. I've been stuck at 99% all weekend now. Kinda sucks! Thanks
Guys, could you help me please? I installed this one, but when I try to load the model my FS encounters a problem and crashes. Do you know how to solve this?
Okay, install miserably failed. I can't even bloody use FS anymore because it says LAL INVALID LICENSE FS WILL QUIT LAL.

Here's what I did:

Unzip files.

Create Flight One Software folder and moved installer + .lic-file there

Dropped .lic-file in main C:\windows folder

Ran installer

Installed Civa-INS

Dumped the gauges & modules folders in their respective places, as well as the load manager and shizzle.

Now, as if that didn't rape my day enough, I can't find the bloody uninstaller @_@.

Seemingly another installer for the SSTsim which didn't work left some bad register entries! Removing these and then just doing a reinstall got me rid of the annoying ''LAL, U HAEV INVALID LICENS FS QUIT KTNHXBAI" message =].

However, I still can't fly the airplane. I can select it, but when I click 'Fly' FS simply gives me the 'FS encountered a problem and needs to quit' message... =[. Any advice on a workaround for this?
Thanks A BUNCH!!! I thought it was going to be a lot harder than that!!
when i install it, it says fs2004 isn't found so it can't carry on with the installation.. which is understandable, as i have fsx
but i was wondering, is there any chance anyone could upload a rip of this?
like the actual files and not just the installer?
thx in advance
or maybe could someone upload the new fsx version of it?
it only just came out but i'm sure i'm not the only one who would appreciate the upload
Thanks to zkalos and all the seeders :)

If anyone else is having problems with the texture installer, load manager, etc. (nothing happens when you click, or you get an error message about windows explorer not being able to find a sstmchk4.dll in directory ./data/....) i am about to start working on a .exe fix that changes the search path to the .dll file, since it is actually installed. I saw a comment on here on page 2 i think saying the .exe's must be moved to the Flight Simulator 9/SSTSIM folder but I've not tried it yet. I'll still post the new fixes on here for all the people who find themselves frustrated out of their minds :)

-Assrams youtube user/troll/hater/stalker Dkorda
awesome =) thanks

BTW before I download it ...

what version is this ?
Not working :(
HEEELPPP!! Why INS not working?!!? Only this fucking INS :x
FS crashes when I load the plane, cany ideas ?
Bleeh, in crack is trojan, INS and NAV gauges not working, n/c. I vote for "-" :(
1. put the .lic file you will get in under crack/windows.
2.move or copy the .lic to C:/windows
3. Crate a new file in C:/ called Flight One Software (if you do not alrady have one from a previous flight one product) it should look like C:/Flight One Software.
4. Put the .lic file there also.
5.Run the installer
once installation finishes do not touch anything!
1. rather than installing civa140 which is given in the torrent (and seems to make fs9 break down) you will get an option at the end of the installer to go to a website where you can download civa151 which is newer and wont break fs ^^ enjoy
Does this work on Vista64 bit?
omg i see evryone here have problem...I got this full SSTSIM working all the planes work, this is awsome...

ok from the beginig:

1) downlaod this thing

2)after you downlaod go to >>> "crack" then you will see "Windows"... in that you will see "sstv10.lic"
3) copy "sstv10.lic" and paste it in "C:\WINDOWS" (to get there go to my computer then go to local disk then there you will see windows and then paste it in windows folder).

4) Now go back to the downlaoded torrent and then go to "Flight One Software" folder and double click on "SSTSIM_Setup".

5) you should have no problems downlaoding expect one problem if you have problem on installation then continue read step 5. -------if you have "fs9 dose not exist" problem which i had, then that mean that you do not have correct fs2004 (FS9) patch, what i mean is that you must have your fs2004 instaled in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9".

6) after you have installed, you will have some icon on your destop, dont click on them because they wont work.. go to step 7

7) ok go to the downlaoded torrent and go to "crack" folder again, then go to "Modules" and copy "SSTSIM.dll" and paste it in your Main FS9 Modules which is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules"

8) ok this bit is confusing so read care fully!!
go to "crack" folder then to "Gauges" then to "Sstsim" in then you will see two Gauge file called "Conc2kFuel.gau" and "Conc2kserver.gau" copy both of them and paste them to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges\SSTSIM"
when you paste it, it will aks you to overwrte click "yes". for noobs who dosnt know where "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges\SSTSIM" is then go to "microsoft games" >> "Flight Simulater 9" >>"Gauge">>>"SSTSIM" and paste it in there.

9) omg nearlly done!
go to "crack" then you will see three icon called "Fleet Manager" "Load Manager" and "Texture Installer", NOW COPY three of them and paste it in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\SSTSIM" It will ask you to overwrite them which you must!

10) omg finally you are done! the SSTSIM icon on the destop will now work and the plane will load!

i might release the video for this and might upload it to my channel
sub me

OK, is there somebody who got it fully working and how? I followed the instructions, but the utilities keep crashing. About the autopilot-in my opinion there is something with the FSUIPC, but what?
Ok, there is a problem with the Load Manager and ive read a couple of older post stating the same problem but no solution : you click on it "Save" "Full Load" or anything else other than tank 11 and it crash, is that it for all of you guys or is there an actual fix to this? I followed Pranav2007 instruction to the letter and still the load manager cant save or register the new fuel value i give it. It would be great to know if something can be done about it because it's an important tool for the flight.
seed plz!!
god damnit SEED.
The Fuel Manager was not cracked. Therefore, I doubt anyone who has installed it has managed to utilize it. Not sure if anyone else experiencing similar issues. However, my A/P will only work in Heading Hold, Altitude Hold, and Approach modes (when tuned to an ILS). Anything else will not function correctly.

A/T will not move throttle levers. IAS Hold will not control pitch to maintain an airspeed. INS will not navigate based on INS data. HDG TRK will fly 360 MAG and not the desired heading.

While the plane flies great, all the systems appear to be messed up.